The video simulation presented the objects, statues, monuments and facade reconstructions which are in construction or planed to be done, in the next four year period.
There is big discussion between the public in Macedonia should this project go on. On one side there are people who totally support it, and on the other there are some who are totally against it.
Personally, I am impressed and fascinated. Skopje will have one of the most beautiful city centres.
Uploaded by alek_careca. - Exotic and entertaining travel videos.
This post has been quoted by Global Voices Online
ReplyDelete* Macedonia: Online Rebellion Against "Skopje 2014" Plan
You obviously don't travel too much if you honestly think that Skopje will have one of the most beautiful city centres! This is a joke and you and your fellow citizens should be embarrassed that you Government would allow the wasting of your tax dollars on such an absurd project. The proposed architecture looks like something that would have been designed in the 1950s - a period not known for its stunning design. I am embarrassed for Macedonia that the Government continues to show its stupidity on the international stage. Wake up Macedonia! Picking up the garbage on a regular basis would be a move in the right direction to having a beautiful city centre.
ReplyDeleteI've traveled to 27 countries so far, on 3 continents. Visited more than 150 cities and towns. Stayed more than a month in Ireland, Portugal, Brazil. Also, i have a degree in ethnology and anthropology, but i've studied civil engineering as well.
ReplyDeletePersonalu, I don't like the gate, the trees in the water, and maybe da lions od the bridge Goce Declev are too much. But everything alse is great.
I sincerely hope that reconstruction will go on, towards the northern part of Skopje, where we have a urbanistic chaos and plenty of infrastructural problems.
bravo careca!!!
ReplyDeleteall that you've counted didn't change what YOU have inside...PITY if true! no hope, revolution will help!!!
Скопје е многу убав град :-) се надувам да биди поубав / Поздрав од Егејска
ReplyDeleterevolution? revolution against whome? against your own country? why? becouse finaly we won't have muddy shoes in the city centre?
ReplyDeleteI sincerely don't understand the haterate in some people! May God help them!
greetings for the Macedonian brother from Aegean!
ReplyDeleteбрат, ја гледаш ли иронијата? Кај вас ви требаат социјалисти и комунисти за да ја оправите државата, тука се молиме да не ни одмагаат, за да се оправи! Иронија нели? Среќни се ако среде град има ливада!
Amazing! Amazing! Amazing! I am a Canadian and I have heard so much about this country that I can't wait to visit. Keep it up and be the leaders of East Europe!
ReplyDeleteGreat post Careca.I am also sick of people commenting against the Skopje 2014 project. I know they are mostly politically motivated but still it's said to see these kind of comments when finally someone is doing something in the city that should have been done long time ago...
ReplyDeleteI am a true Macedonian, third generation in Skopje and grand-grand parents from Strumica and Stip, also self-identified as Macedonian.
I am glad that my city is getting renewed and all of the buildings are getting some new clothing.
Hotels have a lot of amenities and added features to attract guests.
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